As Covid-19 spreads and it becomes more clear how it is gamed to advance certain interests, it is worth re-examining the US/Western establishment’s stated goal in fighting the virus: to “flatten the curve”.
Most people assume that “Flatten the curve” means spreading the greatest impact over a few months instead of a few weeks. But Joshua Bach has shown that the curve can never be flattened enough. The flattening would have to be years long. And by that time the virus will probably mutate (just as seasonal influenza virus does). We already know that this coronavirus mutates quickly.
“Flatten the Curve” is a cute way of saying, lets NOT do what it takes to end the virus nightmare, only what it takes to superficially solve the problem so we can get people back to work.
China, South Korea, and other countries aren’t trying to “flatten the curve” – they are trying to terminate the virus spread altogether. So why hasn’t the US/West set the same goal?
In a word: neoliberalism and disaster capitalism.
Western Drug companies hope to make a bundle with expensive drug therapies and illusive “vaccines” (vaccines that may have to be re-jiggered and re-administered from time to time just as the seasonal flu shot is). We previously wrote about this government-assisted profiteering.
Trump is already pushing to return people to work. An ongoing disaster that mostly kills the old and infirm is not something that concerns capitalists much. Insurance companies can save money on expensive healthcare for the elderly and drug companies can make tons of money via drug treatments.
Why is “Flatten” a Failure?
Even if we could flatten the curve sufficiently, most of those who are “saved” by having a ventilator would suffer pulmonary fibrosis – a scaring of tissue in the lungs that destroys lung capacity and makes the victim susceptible to dying of other harmless diseases.
These people are ‘at risk’ and many of them will need ventilators to survive any future ailment. And their quality of life would be far worse than it was before they got Covid-19.
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